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Structure And Working Principles of Dual Motor Drive

The dual motor drive provides two control methods for one coordinate axis, series control and synchronous control. Series control only performs position control on the main motor shaft and torque control on the auxiliary motor shaft, so this control is also called torque series control. (Simple) Synchronous control uses NC commands sent to the master axis to perform position control on the master motor shaft and the slave motor shaft respectively. When the master motor shaft and the slave motor shaft are controlled by a DSP (Digital Signal Processor), this configuration is called position series control.

For the sake of clarity of description, the two motors controlled in series by torque are called the main motor shaft and the auxiliary motor shaft respectively, and the two axes controlled in series by position are called the active motor shaft and the driven motor shaft respectively. Special attention should be paid to the torque series connection. The controlled main motor shaft and auxiliary motor shaft as well as the active motor shaft and driven motor shaft in position series control are all controlled by the same DSP, while the active motor shaft and driven motor in general (simple) synchronous control The axes do not have to be controlled by the same DSP.

Structure And Working Principles of Dual Motor Drive插图

1. Principle of dual motor drive

Dual motor drive means that two motors are installed in a system and driven in different ways to achieve higher efficiency and better control. The principle of dual-motor drive is the same as that of single-motor drive, except that there is an additional set of motors and controllers. The advantages of a dual-motor drive are a higher power, higher efficiency, and better control.

2. Dual motor drive structure

The structure of a dual-motor drive usually consists of two motors and corresponding controllers. One of the motors is usually the master drive motor and the other is the slave drive motor. The main drive motor usually provides signals from the control system to control movement and direction, while the slave drive motor usually receives motion information from the main drive motor to achieve coordinated movement.

3. Application scenarios of dual motor drives

Dual motor drives are often used in scenarios that require high power, high efficiency, and high precision motion. For example, machine tools, automated manufacturing, and robotic applications are typical dual-motor drive scenarios. In these scenarios, multi-motor drives enable better control and operation.

4. Control method of dual motor drive

There are many control methods for dual motor drives. Typical control methods include independent control, synchronous control, and vector control. Among them, independent control means that the two motors do not work together and work independently. Synchronous control refers to the coordinated movement of two motors to complete tasks together. Vector control refers to adjusting the output characteristics of the motor to achieve better results.

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Dual Motor Drive

The advantages of a dual-motor drive are a higher power, higher efficiency, and better control. At the same time, multi-motor drives can solve motor overload and heat problems. The disadvantage is that it requires more hardware and control systems and the cost is higher.

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