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Energy-saving Motor Market Overview

After June 1, 2020, the national standard will improve the high efficiency motor industry standards, and the overall development space for permanent magnet motors is large. Rare earth permanent magnet motor threshold is higher, energy-saving motor leading enterprises will benefit more. IE2 motors are expected to continue to be used, and older motors may accelerate their obsolestration.

At present, the total sales of industrial motors account for 64% of the total sales of social motors, and the electric motor electricity in the industrial field accounts for more than 75% of industrial electricity, so the replacement space of the motor is still relatively large. Compared with the 2012 national standard, the 2021 version requires higher requirements for motor energy efficiency and a wider range of limits, requiring motor using companies to invest in product upgrades. In the industrial field, the main application is fans, pumps, compressors, machine tools and other general equipment, the state requires the use of secondary energy efficiency, corresponding to overseas IE3 standards; Traditional systems such as transmissions require the use of low-speed direct connection and high-speed direct connection permanent magnet motors. Compared with the original high-speed motor, the rare earth permanent magnet motor has wider speed regulation and higher average efficiency. The main reason for the current development of permanent magnet motors is still the cost, and it is not possible to increase the volume for the time being. It is expected that this policy may accelerate the promotion of permanent magnet motors market share, and with the upgrading of motor technology and the reduction of costs, this quantity will be released. Europe and the United States market is about 40% of permanent magnet motors, our country has not reached this value, in the long run, our country’s room for improvement is greater. Another point, China’s rare earth permanent magnet output advantage is also relatively obvious, which is conducive to the supply of subsequent raw materials.

1.Secondary energy efficiency motor (corresponding to overseas IE 3) is not most of the permanent magnet motor, but some AC asynchronous motor technology can also meet the secondary energy efficiency? Yes, the current rare earth permanent magnet synchronous motor accounts for less than 10%, is the use of variable frequency motor plus inverter can also achieve IE4 energy efficiency standards. However, for some applications such as coal mine belt machines, this direct connection can be used to make the transmission, roller and motor into one, saving a lot of mechanical processes and higher control accuracy. At present, the product has been in the mature stage, and has not been greatly applied for the time being due to cost reasons.

2. Under the same process, how much more expensive is the permanent magnet motor than the traditional motor? Product power and application requirements will also affect the price. The cost is mainly in the permanent magnet, as well as the input of product research and development design and so on need to be shared, and the permanent magnet motor is still expensive compared with the traditional asynchronous motor at the current stage. In the future, the cost will be reduced a lot after the volume, and even the market below 315kw May be occupied by rare earth permanent magnet motors, and the cost will be lower than the traditional motor, and the long-term trend will be reduced. At the same time, the input-output ratio of rare earth permanent magnet motor is excellent, the life of permanent magnet motor is longer, and the design life of permanent magnet is 15-20 years. At present, the maintenance of ordinary motors in China is up to 8-10 years. On the other hand, his efficiency point can reach 95, and the general motor is the highest 91. In fact, the cost of this calculation is not so much, and the later income can come back, after all, the average efficiency of the permanent magnet motor is higher and the use time is longer.

3. The economic benefits of permanent magnet motors are so good, why do enterprises not automatically switch to the use of permanent magnet motors before the release of this policy? It is cost reasons, some enterprises considers short-term profit, enterprises from their own perspective to choose their most suitable, did not take into account the long-term benefits. Some companies worry about whether the technology is mature and choose to be more conservative. However, in order to achieve carbon neutrality, our country requires that many enterprises need to tap their own consumption power, in fact, many enterprises have the need to replace permanent magnet motors and this upgrade ability. Before the national standards were not so high, enterprises would not do it spontaneously. It is expected that under the promotion of national policies, this is likely to drive the replacement and upgrading speed of permanent magnet motors.

4. Can the penetration rate increase be achieved so quickly? Can it reach 20% in 2 years? Downstream, permanent magnet motors are used in domestic fans, pumps, textile machines, compression machinery, etc., and half of the motor consumption in the industrial field is in fans and pumps, followed by air compressors and textiles. As long as the user puts forward requirements, these manufacturers can certainly meet, so the replacement speed of fans and pumps is faster, and the stock market is very large, experts predict that after the policy is introduced, the implementation difficulty is not large.

5. If you replace the fan and pump, will the cost of the enterprise probably increase a lot? Will government subsidize it? Not much, later can form a mass purchase, the current price is high mainly because the quantity is still small, after amortization of this cost will fall faster. Perhaps the country may give some guidance to enterprises, such as the previous EMC model or by giving some environmental indicators.

6. Does the high efficiency and energy saving motor refer to the motor that reaches the second level of energy efficiency? Can energy-saving motors be completely equal to rare earth permanent magnet motors? IE3 and above can actually be considered efficient. I personally think that secondary and primary can be considered high efficiency motors. High efficiency permanent magnet motor, the standard asynchronous motor is also divided into 123 levels, permanent magnet synchronous motor is also divided, the current permanent magnet motor is the lowest in IE4, that is, two energy efficiency and above; Other motors are not fully considered above level 2 energy efficiency standards. Final conclusion: 20% of the market is not completely equal to the increase of rare earth permanent magnet motors, and there are also IE4 products in asynchronous motors, which also meet the definition of high-efficiency energy-saving motors.

7. The first step of the motor in the pump and fan should be replaced, what is the stock motor, and how is its energy efficiency usually assessed? Most of the stock motors are called asynchronous motors, and the energy efficiency level should be IE2, which is called tertiary energy efficiency according to the 2012 standard, and the energy consumption level is relatively higher. The specific measurement standard is formulated by the state, and there are some requirements for the use of the motor, which will be tested before leaving the factory to form standardized products.

8. Construction machinery is still using AC asynchronous motors, because the speed required by these instruments is not high, but the torque is high, is it understandable that permanent magnet motors are not as good as AC asynchronous motors in some cases? The motor actually runs in two states, one is called constant torque, and the other is constant power. The scenario just mentioned, permanent magnet motor can also be achieved, by adding controller and inverter can also be adjusted, but the current power is limited, some can not be done very large, so the current former permanent magnet motor some high-power applications can not be reached. However, this occasion is still very few, and the application range of the whole motor is small. At present, most of the motors used are below 315kw, and the market demand for such high-power occasions is relatively small, in addition to some industrial scenarios. Most scenarios of fan and pump applications are more extensive, while high-power motor maintenance costs are also high, and the price of high-voltage electrician license is higher than the price of low-voltage electrician license.

9. The motor is more economical below 315kw, and what is the proportion of its application? There is no specific data, personal estimates are more than half, 60-70% or so.

10. The replacement of the motor also needs to government policy support, because some enterprise’s existing motors still in the service life. So that’s why our government has issued policy to support energy saving motor.

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